Friday, October 22, 2010

The Man Who Never Was

I was surprised to hear whilst on our recent trip to Spain, a number of our friends had never heard of "The Man Who Never Was" or Glyndwyr Martin to give him his proper name.
It is a World War II story, code named "Operation Mincemeat", that has always fascinated me about how the Brits launched a man from a submarine carrying Top Secret information about invasion plans, in an effort to deceive the Germans.
Glwndwyr's body was eventually washed ashore near Huelva Spain, where he was subsequently buried after much investigating and meddling from the Spanish and of course Herman the German.
I had wanted to find the gravestone for many years, so on the way back from Spain and very close to Huelva, I set out in search of the cemetery and then the gravestone.
Finding the cemetery was easy, the gravestone was like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. The cemetery was pristine with row after row of headstones and crypts all kept in wonderful condition.

Obviously looking like a tourist and standing out like a sore thumb from those tending the graves of loved one's, we were about to give up and was approached by a fellow Brit who knew exactly what we were looking for as he had spent the last hour do exactly the same thing. He in turn had been spotted by yet another Brit who knew exactly where the gravestone was. So he escorted my new friend who in turn escorted me, result, the gravestone of Glyndwyr Martin, "The Man Who Never Was".

The full story can be found @

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