Monday, October 11, 2010

Pink Ribbon

It's October, that can mean only one thing, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month across the world and Portugal is no different.
For the past 10 years, we have been raising money for Breast Cancer Awareness in the Algarve and this year very poignantly, the Pink Ribbon Golf Tournament at Parque da Floresta was held on 10th of the 10th of the 10th and if you are reading this too early in the morning, I mean 10th October 2010.
Over the years, in conjunction with the Parque da Floresta Charity fund, we have managed to raise over 80,000 euros which has all gone to Mamamaratona, Associacao Oncologica do Algarve.
Checking the weather forecast 7 days before the competition, it didn't look good. However just as at Celtic Manor last week, for the Ryder Cup, there is nothing that we could do, we just had to get on with it. Checking the forecast every day didn't help as it never changed one bit and sure enough on the Friday before the Sunday competition, it bucketed it down followed by the same on Saturday.
On the Sunday we began with sunshine followed by several sharp bust's but nearly 80 golfers were supportive enough to brave the conditions, after all its only water and you can only get soooooooooooo wet.
At around 11am in glorious Algarve sunshine, the golf got underway, with the format being a better ball stableford competition. Finally at around 6pm and several downpours later, the final group came in, the scores could be checked and the results announced.
Yours truly and the chief organiser of the Pink Ribbon, Mrs Lynette, managed to follow up last years second place with third place, winning a fabulous set of lead crystal glasses, probably the same set that we won for second place last year. My good friend Bob Kelly suggested that if we put the glasses as a 1st place prize, we could finally get rid of them as we had no chance of winning, well he used to be a good friend.

In second place this year, with a score of 44 points was Pete & Debbie Lanario who was over the moon at winning her first golf prize.
The winners with a fantastic score of 45 points was the formidable Portuguese pairing of Julio Marcela & Chico Borges, I think they both looked pleased as well.
Along with raffles, auctions and name the Doggie, which spookily was won by the same person as last year Louise Gemmell, (who kindly donated the Doggie back for auction), the total money raised on the day was just short of 3,000 euros, another fantastic result for Breast Cancer Awareness in the Algarve.

Thank you to everyone for taking part and very generously supporting the day.

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