Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Had great idea a couple of weeks ago, I thought to myself, I know I'll clean the windows. Being an absent minded old fart, I gave the windows a real good clean and they sparkled in the sunshine. Now one week later with grandchildren out here, I have more hand & finger prints than they have at Scotland Yard, I realised that it wasn't such a good idea after all, bless 'em.
And another thing, while I'm being a grumpy old grandpa, it dosen't matter which toilet I choose, I have yet to go without finding pee all over the toilet seat. Why can't boys be taught to lift the seat before they have a pee, never mind putting it back down again for the girls when you have finished, the girls never lift it back up again ready for us chaps, which would solve my problem.
Anyway, it was great having them and doing the things that we wouldn't normally do, like going to the beach, having a picnic in the forest, going to the zoo, wiping their bum when the call comes from the toilet, "I've done a poo".
They have now all gone home now and the place is very quiet, I was OK saying goodbye until Harrison said in the car on the way to the airport, "I'm going to miss you Grandpa", blub, blub.

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