Result, sold the motorhome on ebay last week and got £2,000 more than a UK dealer was offering, less eBay's £43 fee. Trouble is, the geezer that bought it, (knowing from the very start as stated in the advert, that it was in Portugal), insisted on me taking it back to the UK pronto and as Niuck & Justine, Harrison & Finlay were coming out the following Tuesday, and I didn't want to miss being away while they were here in Portugal. So with some hasty arranging, I left Portugal Thursday afternoon to catch the overnight ferry from Santander to Portsmouth on Saturday, arriving back in Loughborough at 5:30pm Sunday. Handed the motorhome over to the geezer, who was from Bewdley, on Monday, got the bankers draft(he was a kind of a banker as well), he was most indignant that I wasn't going to fill the fuel tank with diesel for him to get home, t*ss*r.
Anyway, I already had his £1000 deposit before I left Portugal, so he had two choices, I left with the *anker's draft, sorry banker's draft for the difference, he had to stop and get some fuel on the way home.
It was quite funny when he left, as he had already told me that he was a driving instructor, obviously not a very good one as he failed to check if the motorhome was in gear, turned the key and oooops, a big jerk forward.
So, that was that and then on Tuesday caught the flight out to Portugal with Nick & the gang, complete round trip 5 days, me totally knackered.
Spent the following 2 days sleeping, going to the beach, playing with the boys and getting sunstroke.
Spent the next 3 days with the shivvers, cold then hot sweats, a kidney infection and feeling totally sh*te, but I was a complete martyr and wouldn't go to the doctors. I still have the cold sweats but at least I am now recovering.
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