Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The lawn mowers came to visit

A few hundred goats and sheep with Parque da Floresta golf resort in the background

We had a visit from the local shepherd this week, he brought along a couple of hundred lawn mowers and weed munchers, all taken care of by some fantastic dogs and a few strategic whistles from the shepherd who made sure that they didn't stray too far.

Nice man the shepherd, always asks permission for the animals to graze on our land. 

As there are no fences or walls around the land, it is classed by  Portuguese law that they have the right to roam anyway, but at least he asked and who am I to stop anything that keeps the weeds down.

It was an ideal opportunity to practice our language skills, now that we go to Portuguese lessons every week.  We gave up after 30 seconds after he saw the difficulty we were having and spoke back to us in perfect English, what chance have you got, even the shepherd speaks English? Still only been going for three months, another 20 years and we should have it cracked.

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