Saturday, February 11, 2012

Seagulls & Egrets

You must have noticed that whenever there is a tractor about, ploughing a field, there are always thousands of seagulls following there tractor, looking for a tasty morsel no doubt.

I went into the bottom field the other day on the tractor in an effort to keep the weeds down and keep plants that the snails love to grow on under control so that we won't be bothered by Pedro Gypsy next year.
I had only been in there for less than 30 seconds when along came, not a flock of seagulls, but a flock of egrets. It never really struck me before but I reckon that they must have bionic hearing, or perhaps the egrets had been on their egretphones and logged onto twitternet and spread the word, much the same as if you want to set up a riot or go looting and pillaging in the UK these days. Anyway, within a couple of minutes a load more egrrets appeared, check out the tractor-cam.

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