Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Shadow & Ben

I've not mentioned the kittens for a while, we've still got them although they are no longer kittens, they must be coming up to a couple of years old very soon. They are still feral and don't like to be handled although Kibbles is the cute one and she will let you nurse her, while the others you can stroke but not pick up.
Mum cat (Mowgli) will not let you do either, she has a long memory and will not forget the last time we picked her up while she was under the influence of 2 sleeping pills and still fought like crazy to get away. She has never forgiven us for taking her to the vets to take her bits away.
Anyway, the cat in the picture is "Shadow", so called because when he was young he was never far from his mothers side, he has assumed the position of "Top Cat".
The other one, "Stig", wanders through the house and got shut in once without us knowing, when we returned, the alarm people had been out as Stig had set it off while we were out.
Shadow is a scrapper and is always turning up with a new battle scar after the nights hunt.
As you can see, he has found a new playmate, although like most 2 year olds, it hasn't lasted long and he has already broken it. It doesn't go any more and looks like we could be going to "Rats R Us" for a refund. This one called Ben is about 30cm long, nose to tail, that's about 1 foot in old money.

Well done Shadow, that'll stop the little blighter chewing my telephone cables.

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