Thursday, December 08, 2011

A Kindle Christmas

It will soon be Christmas and my Mum and Dad who are now 83 and 84 respectively, never know what to buy each other at Christmas.
I remember many years ago, Dad thought it was a good idea to present Mum with a nicely wrapped box with bows on on Christmas morning, when she had opened the box and found that it contained a brand new shiney Morphy Richards iron. As you can imagine, it didn't go down too well, they never spoke for the rest of the festive season and there was no Bing Crosby on the gramophone that year.
I suppose his logic was, my wife buys me a Black & Decker drill, so I'll get her an iron. I think he said he was going to get the ironing board to go with it but decided against it, wise move.

Now they are in their 80's and not wishing for another quiet Christmas, they have given up on surprises and have asked each other what they would like and have decided on a Kindle. I think that they should just about be able to manage working it once they have got someone else to load the books on for them. However, Dad was troubled when I made the mistake of telling him that I had one which I thought was fantastic and they can hold over a 1000 books. His reply was, doesn't that make them very heavy, out of the mouths of wrinklies, bless.

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