Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Trip to the UK, not a good idea.

I have been in the UK for the past few days at the very time when everywhere is under a cover of snow. If it's not snow then it's the biggest frost that I have ever seen, with temperatures at minus 14 degs. in Loughborough, I sure know when to visit my family.
For those of you not best blessed geographically, Loughborough is in the Midlands, strangely in the middle of the country, which for a southerner is just below Scotland.
Today I have driven from Loughborough, where the temperature was -14degs, 125 miles south to Andover in Hampshire, where the thermometer was reading a blistering +2 degs, I even thought about stopping at Boots to get some sun screen. No wonder you "s u v v e n e r s" are a bunch of softies.

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